Fire protection is an increasingly important part of today’s building industry largely due to urbanization. The more concentrated environments we live in, the higher the risk is for a life-threatening fire to spread quickly. Our buildings and structures need protection against this imminent threat. Consistent use of integrated, passive fire protection is the most effective way to minimize this risk and protect people’s lives, their property and the environment.

Every year, there are about
1.3 million
fires in the USA which cause close to USD 15 billion of loss on average, according to the National Fire Protection Association.
In only 3.5 minutes, the heat from a house fire can reach over
Sika firestop products provide
2-4 hours
for occupants to escape.
Seals and Penetrations as Weak Points after Fire Breakouts

Modern building frameworks are interspersed with multiple utility and network services including cables, pipes and ventilation ducts in both horizontal and vertical directions, resulting in countless penetrations through most of the walls and floors. Each of these penetrations and every joint between different building structures, elements and areas, is potentially a passage for the spread of flames, heat and toxic smoke into adjoining rooms and areas, which – in the worst case – may result in uncontrolled fire propagation throughout the entire building.  

Fireman extinguishing the fire
Fireman extinguish the fire with water
Active versus Passive Fire Protection

This is where passive fire protection comes into play. While active fire protection systems such as sprinklers can extinguish fires, passive fire protection is designed to prevent the spread of fire and contain it in defined compartments to minimize damage and even more importantly, to allow people in other areas the time to evacuate safely. In the event of a fire, the heat and smoke will spread through penetrations and joints in walls and floors, causing damage, endangering people and potentially also blocking escape routes.

Firestop Systems – Essential Asset for Occupants and Owners

  • Limits the spread of fire by containing it in a single compartment in its area of origin
  • Slows the spread of toxic gas and black smoke, allowing people more time to escape more safely
  • Provides vital escape time for people during fire incidents
  • Protects escape routes, building structure and critical structural members
  • Minimizes costs to rebuild after the fire
  • Protects owners’ built assets